Spring Cleaning? Here’s a Couple More Things to Remember! - Plumbing Paramedics - Expert Plumbers Calgary - Featured Image
Published On: 20 May 2020Categories: Latest News

One of the best ways to do that is a little spring cleaning. After all, if Calgarians are going to be cooped up inside their homes as we self-isolate to protect our communities, we might as well get some work done! While you’re busy thinking up an ambitious spring deep cleaning checklist, we have a few tasks that often get overlooked.

Clear Drains.

All of the drains in your home are susceptible to clogs that slow them down. This is especially true for kitchen drains — which often get clogged with grease and bits of food — and shower or bath drains — which fill up with hair and soap. If you don’t want your drains to grind to a halt, it’s a good idea to either clear the debris from them yourself or have a professional Calgary plumber come and maintain your plumbing. We strongly recommend homeowners have drains cleared at least once a year.

Change Your Filter.

We really can’t overstate how important it is to change your filter on time. And that means during the spring and summer months too! Many Calgarians feel that during the summer, their furnace isn’t running, so there isn’t any need to change the filter, but they’re mistaken. If you have central A/C or otherwise have air circulating through your ducts during the warm months, you need to continue to change your filter. While your furnace may not be heating the air, it is in charge of pushing the air throughout your house, and to do that optimally, the filter needs to be changed regularly. This is especially true as Calgarians continue to social distance. Your furnace and A/C won’t be getting a break this summer as your family works from home.

Inspect for Leaks.

We usually advise Calgarians to check for leaks by snapping a photo of their water metre before everyone heads out for the day, so that they can check if the reading has changed when they come home in a few hours. With everybody staying at home, that’s going to be a challenge. Fortunately, the beautiful Calgary summer is on its way. You can take a record of your water metre reading and then go for a walk as a family or just spend time in your own backyard. Remember,  if it’s a hot day, you’ll need to fill up water bottles before you take a photo of your reading. If the reading has changed after a couple hours with no one using water, you definitely have a leak.

We know that the last while has been a true challenge for many Calgarians. We have been watching the news and listening as fellow Canadians have lost their lives to this virus. During these times, we want Canadians to remember that this will pass. We will come through the other side together. 

Spring is arriving, and after that fall will follow. While everything seems crazy now, in time we’ll see the world return to normal — or at least more normal. In the meantime, our team of Calgary plumbers will be here to serve you. Call us for any essential plumbing you need during this pandemic, and we’ll be there to help!


Call us at (403) 452-2911 or Book Now an appointment.

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