Plumbing Nightmares You Can Avoid - Plumbing Paramedics - Plumbers in Calgary
Published On: 15 October 2018Categories: Latest News, Plumbing

Hallowe’en is just around the corner. Calgary kids are getting excited to dress up and eat far too much candy. As your family prepares for the fun and frights with costumes and a jack-o-lantern, here are a few things you should keep in mind to protect your plumbing.

Double, double toil and trouble.

If you flush or wash your jack-o-lantern’s pumpkin guts down the drain or even flush them away, you’re asking for trouble. Your plumbing is not designed to handle pumpkin pulp and seeds, and that sticky goo can quickly cause clogs that slow down or stop up your drains or toilet entirely. We recommend cutting open your pumpkins on the kitchen table — far from the sink. Use some newspaper or flyers to contain the mess. When you’re finished carving, deposit goop, seeds, and paper into the compost. While newsprint should be recycled typically, a little bit of paper won’t harm the compost in the long term.

Forget the Leaky Cauldron — leaky faucets may be costing you big. Constant drips and toilets that run eternally can add up to nearly 15% of your home’s utility bill. Sinks don’t need to be dripping quickly to waste a ton of water either. If you’re afraid of your water bill every month, it’s time to put this monster to rest. Your friendly local Calgary plumber can help vanquish the leak, so you can stop money from slithering down the drain.

Stay Safe and Have Fun!

If you have a trick-or-treater or two (or more!) in your home, we wish your kids and your family a safe and fun Hallowe’en night. We personally think Hallowe’en is one of the best community holidays because, unlike most other holidays, it’s celebrated with our neighbours rather than just our nuclear family. It’s the one time of year that we invite all our neighbours to come to our door and distribute goodies to children. It’s the one time of year where we trust that candy coming from a stranger is safe for our kids. It’s too bad this sort of neighbourly trust and community spirit isn’t always a part of our lives.

From all of us at the Plumbing Paramedics, have a great Hallowe’en and try to keep that pumpkin goop away from your pipes! Of course, if you are having trouble with slow drains, leaky faucets, or clogged plumbing, just give our team a call at 587-316-2946. Our Calgary plumbers will be there to help in a jiffy.

Call us at (403) 452-2911 or Book Now an appointment.

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